Skin laxity is an issue that occurs when we age. Wrinkles, bags (periorbital edema), droopy skin are all major complaints that are heard every day. Facial shockwave therapy encourages remodeling and repair of the skin and underlying tissue. Shockwave therapy (Acoustic waves) allow for non-thermal penetration of the skin and subcutaneous tissue, causing diverse effects on the cells and their metabolism. This results in an increased release of growth factor, reducing undesirable fat, stimulating blood flow and lymphatic flow. Hence, this procedure has shown to reduce fine lines and wrinkles, firm up muscles, tighten connective tissue and rebuild collagen.
no incisions, with minimal side effects
As with many aesthetics procedures, success is typically and completely subjective. Individual results may vary from person to person depending on many factors.
Short energy impulses will be delivered to the area of skin being treated. You can expect to feel a sensation like tingling (pins and needles) as the shockwave is being delivered. It may cause some tenderness or sensitivity in certain areas, but the effect is temporary and varies on the individual.
There can be slight sensitivity to the teeth and jaw from the vibration which does decrease after more sessions. There can be some itchy throat sensation during the neck portion of the treatment which may induce coughing.
The impulse from the shockwave can be loud for some people, and ear plugs may help.
Unfortunately, extended health cannot cover this treatment as it is considered a cosmetic procedure.
This therapy can be combined safely with other therapies as it is non-invasive. However, if you are receiving other therapies or treatments, inform the practitioner to determine if facial shockwave therapy is still appropriate for you.
For patients on Botox therapy, it is important to let the practitioner know as it is recommended to wait until 4 weeks post Botox injections to not interrupt Botox’s effects.